Happy March 16 Day, aka 3:16!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16

Two opportunities for Village Crossings this week!
Monday night at 6:30PM at 230 Earnhart!
Tuesday night at 6:30PM via Zoom, “The Daniel Plan”, the five essentials.
Come join in community!

Two opportunities for Village Crossings this week!
Monday night at 6:30PM at 230 Earnhart!
Tuesday night at 6:30PM via Zoom, “The Daniel Plan”, the five essentials.
Come join in community!

We had another amazing evening painting with Nikki Raflik!
We love how each picture is so individualized! They are fantastic!
Thanks to all that came and to Nikki for leading!

For those that worship through tithes and offering, you can continue to in three ways:
1) Website: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/cnvcarlisle
2) Mail: CNV Carlisle, 731 W. Central Ave Carlisle, OH 45005
3) In Social Distance Person: Place in drop box at the front door of the ministry center

Coffee sizes: Tall, Venti, Daylight Saving Sunday
The best way to survive Daylight Saving Time is to be with your friends at church, online or in person!
This morning at 10AM at the CNV Ministry Center with social distancing OR online through Facebook Live (www.facebook.com/cnvcarlisle/videos).
See you soon!